Our Program
The Clearing Farm offers a full training and care program to our clients. We do offer lessons to ship ins but mainly our program is catered to each person and their horse(s). We also have a busy show schedule to help our clients stay competitive year round.

At Home
Full Training and Care
This program is individually designed to best meet the needs of each horse and rider. An inclusive program for one rider/one horse, tailored to meet their specific needs. Includes Grooming, Trainer Rides, Lessons, Turn Outs, Extra Feed & Supplements, Supplies, and Laundry Service. Offered six days a week.
Care Only
Full care of horse includes all grooming, supplies, extra feed & supplements, and laundry service. This can also be offered to horses who are laid up for 30 days or more. This service can be provided seven days a week and includes all necessary turnouts, hand walking, grooming care, and management for the horse that is laid up.
Paid to Hansen Dam Equestrian Center on a separate check. Includes alfalfa hay cubes twice daily & shavings.
Billed at Cost
Includes Grass, oat, timothy, or alfalfa hay. Paid to The Clearing Farm.
(Non-Training Clients)
Lesson on Own Horse: $80.00
Clearing Lesson Horse: $100.00
Haul-In’s: $150.00
Trainer Schooling Rides
(Non-Training Clients)
School: $75.00
Haul-In School: $100.00
Horse Show Rates
Schooling Fees
Horses in Training: $75.00
Horses Not in Training: $100.00
For horses not in training, a $350 deposit is required before the start of the horse show.
$85.00/horse/day (includes tip) Customers are responsible for paying and tipping grooms at the horse show.
Trainers Expenses
These will be divided by the number of customers who attend the horse show.
Billed at cost

Sale, Purchase or Lease
15% of any sale, purchase or lease plus any expenses such as travel.